Remember when this page was called "Book Bug?" Well, I decided that I don't think I'll ever be able to join a book club. I simply need to do things at my own pace and trying to match someone else's pace simply won't do it for me. I think that project/club is really cute though so I'll make a note here to add it as credit for inspiration for this page. ♡
I imagine this page isn't really interesting if you don't know what I like beforehand hahaha.
To be quite honest, I'm not sure yet! I've read a collection of things for school but have rarely finished books. I've read history and theology, fantasy and sci-fi, biographies and most of these, even the "story" books I've not finished simply because my schooling was pretty demanding. To give you an idea of this, my first year of Omnibus Primary (my history/theology/literature class) they expected all of us middle schoolers to read the entirety of Herodotus's History in, if I remember correctly, a little over three weeks. If you don't think that's bad, please, please go try to read Herodotus for yourself. It's all very interesting but a bit much for someone who's barely a middleschooler, much less with a time limit.
My primary focus will be on re-reading a lot of those texts which I skimmed or flat-out skipped. Although, I believe I can safely say I have a love for theology and literature about theology -- I loved what I read of Augustine's City of God and as it stands right now, Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy is my favourite book. I love the sass of Boethius's writing and how all of Lady Philosophy's sentences work out like logical proofs; it reminds me of Paul from the Bible a bit, so I think I can say that people who write things from prison, under imminent death, write the best works. As for Augustine, I love the gentleness and the wordiness. If you're reading this, you likely know how wordy I myself am; though I complained and complained about Augustine and how he always went on rabbit trails throughout the text and how he greatly needed an editor, I see my own thought patterns in him. The gentleness, I love as well; Augustine always ensures to tell the truth as it stands clearly and in a way that cuts you; I think there is a gentleness however, in the way he discusses many of the hard topics within the books and I believe Truth itself is gentle and loving. I myself am not gentle towards things I dislike (or outright hate) or myself; I am not loving nearly as I ought to be towards everything around me (nor towards my own self either, though C.S. Lewis would say it's impossible not to love yourself. He's probably right, so maybe a better word is "respect"). I think I match Augustine for wordiness, so I hope I can match his love for truth and beauty and Love itself someday as well.
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. - 1st Cor. 13:4-7 (I realize the "love is patient and kind" is the more popular version of this verse but I enjoy the KJV version as well, since that's the primary Bible I use.)